Tips & Advice

Are You Following These Guidelines to Track and Retain Visitors to Your Website?

There is no denying the value of website traffic, but how do you harness visits to turn your website browsers into profitable customers?


  •  Offer a Data Exchange: Convince unique visitors to identify themselves by encouraging them to share their email address on key pages throughout your website. Make your call to action clear and simple in order to generate the most sign-ups.
  • Recognise the Value Exchange: Consider incentivising the email sign-up with a special offer, for example, a free prize draw or discount on a first purchase. This is all about the value-exchange: offer the visitor a good deal for the information you are asking for. An email address alone may warrant a special offer. For a more substantial offer such as a downloadable white paper you have the opportunity to ask for more information in return.
  • Welcome your Visitor: Acknowledge a visitor registration with a welcome email that includes the special offer, or add a separate special offer at this point. Your goal is to achieve repeat visitors as soon as possible in order to create the opportunity for a long term relationship with the customer. Here’s a great guide on why and how to create effective welcome emails.
  • Include Personalisation: Make it relevant. Using all of the data that you have available, start building up a profile of the customer to ensure that you can target them with the most appropriate and relevant email communications. This is the best way to continue building this relationship with them.
  • Always Follow-Up: If a visitor abandons their shopping basket, send a follow-up email - perhaps with an offer - or, for a higher value purchase, a call. Tailor the email subject line to add a sense of urgency to the email, for example: “We’re still holding this item for you. Act fast if you want it”. You can read more about abandoned basket email techniques and strategy here.

TwentyCi specialise in the creation and delivery of contextual marketing campaigns to make your media spend work harder.

To learn more about best practice email marketing to make better connections with your target customers, contact the TwentyCi team today.

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