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Reconnect With Your Loyal Customers Using Your CRM System

Times are tough, and inflationary pressures still impact consumer purchasing decisions. Hence, many retail brands are turning to extracting more value from repeat business. A repeat customer will spend 67% more than a new customer (source: BIA). The success of relationship marketing depends on how effectively you manage and utilise your customer database. There might be customers in your CRM who are actively looking for your services, yet this information is not known to you. This is where TwentyCi can help.


Home moving and your CRM

There are customers in your CRMs making major life decisions - like moving home. From our experience, the average order value from a homemover is a lot higher than from a non-mover. Take one of our clients as an example. This blinds and curtains retailer’s home moving customers had on, average, a 48.8% higher order value than their non-home moving customers. Retailers are leaving a lot of money on the table by not targeting a customer with such a high propensity to spend. Our retail clients have had great success targeting the home-moving audience – and you can too because they are already in your database!


Why are homemovers key leads for retailers

People who move home spend money. They typically need to buy new furniture, appliances, home decor and so on. These consumers have gone from months or years of thrifty saving to crazy spending sprees, to make their dream home perfect. The opportunity for retailers to cater to these needs is enormous.

When it comes to targeting homemovers, timing is everything. We work hard to analyse when homemovers are most likely to purchase various household products and services so we can then help our clients know the best time to target them. This can help you to become the go-to brand for their needs and outpace competitors, taking a big slice of that home-moving spending spree!

Are you sitting on a goldmine of leads? We can identify which of your customers have the highest likelihood of moving soon or those who are already in the home moving journey. Some people purchase before they move to make their current home look appealing to buyers and some purchase after they move  to renovate their new home.

We track over 99% of the home moving market and know at which stage of the journey homemovers are and we have the most accurate homemover data on the market. We also utilise machine learning to forecast when people are likely to move in the next two months – and we do all this with great accuracy! For example, our data team may determine that the optimal time to target homemovers interested in purchasing windows is three weeks after they move. We will then notify you when any of the addresses in your CRM reaches this point, allowing you to market to them effectively.

Many of our home furnishing clients typically achieve a consistent £20:1 return on investment showing the power of targeting the home moving audience.

We help launch hyper-targeted marketing campaigns specifically designed for homemovers. Whether it’s personalising communications, bundling services or offering discounts on home-related products, you can ensure that your message resonates with your customers at the perfect time – that being when they’re in the market for your goods!

Get ready to unlock more revenue

Home mover audience has a higher conversion rate: They are highly motivated buyers, so targeting them at the right time increases the likelihood of conversions.

Build stronger customer relationships: By providing value to customers during a key life event, you build a stronger relationship. Homemovers are often loyal to brands that help make their transition easier, which can lead to repeat business and long-term customer loyalty.

Optimise your marketing spend: Instead of casting a wide net and hoping for results, you can focus your marketing budget on high-priority leads to improve your ROI.

Personalise the engagement: Customers appreciate brands that understand their needs. When you show up with the right message during a significant life event like a move, you strengthen your brand's connection with them and increase the likelihood of repeat business.


Why work with TwentyCi?

We have been working with large national retail brands and their agencies for the last 12 years analysing customer databases and unpacking hidden revenue opportunities. Take a look at our dedicated Retail Marketing Agency website to see who we work with and how we have accelerated growth for our clients. Let’s work together!