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Latest GDPR news updates from the ICO

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With the new GDPR regulations coming into effect on 25th May 2018, the ICO have been keeping us updated on the latest information and guidelines.

We have highlighted three of the most recent and relevant pieces of ICO coverage to date below, to help you and your business in your preparations to become GDPR-ready*. 


ICO Guidance for consent in the GDPR

Jo Pedder, Interim Head of Policy and Engagement of the ICO, announces the first detailed and topic-specific GDPR guidelines. 

"Back in January I wrote about our plans for GDPR guidance in 2017 and our commitment to help organisations improve their practices and prepare for the GDPR." Read more here...


Information Commissioner talks GDPR and accountability in January speech

Elizebeth Denham spoke about business accountability how GDPR will impact on this.

"We’re all going to have to change how we think about data protection.' That was the message from Elizabeth Denham, as she delivered a speech on GDPR and accountability." Read more here...


New data protection law gives people greater control over their own information

GDPR will give people stronger rights to be informed about how their personal information is used, and require organisations to make the personal rights of consumers a top priority.

"The Information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham will today explain how imminent changes to data protection law will require organisations to make the personal privacy rights of consumers a top priority." Read more here...


For more on the subject of GDPR, read our recent blog to learn our take on the impact for marketers of Brexit and GDPR.

*Information and links taken from the Information Commissioner’s Office, News and Blogs 2017, licensed under the Open Government Licence.