Tips & Advice

Out of site not out of sight


You’ve invested in a sophisticated transactional website, you’ve got great content, compelling creative and a significant number of unique visitors. All you need now is for those visitors to identify themselves, start to transact and the job’s done!

Sound familiar?

So, how do you ensure that once a visitor leaves your website, you don’t lose sight of them? 

The first step is to make a land grab: convince unique visitors to identify themselves, and quickly.

One way of doing this is to recognise anonymous visitors and provide a compelling offer on their first transaction. If this is too much to ask, encourage them to share their email address in exchange for special offers.

Consider incentivising the email sign-up with a free prize draw or a discount on their first purchase. Remember, this is all about the value exchange. Visitors will readily identify themselves if the offer reflects the information requested. Don’t get greedy. A fuller profile can be built up over time.

Next, acknowledge their registration with a welcome email and a special offer to take them back to the site. The sooner you can engage in a transaction, the greater the opportunity for a longer-term relationship.

Whatever you do, make it relevant. Use all of the data at your disposal to build a profile and establish a dialogue that’s based on recognition and relevance. You can then start to create an ongoing email program – this could be based on previous transactions, a particular event, their browsing or click through behaviour.

Finally, don’t miss the obvious opportunities. If a visitor decides to transact, make recommendations based on customers who purchased similar items. If they abandon their shopping basket part way through a transaction, try to recover the purchase with a follow-up email (perhaps with an offer) or for high value transactions, a customer service phone call.

Go the extra mile to demonstrate that you want their business and you’ll reap the rewards.

 To learn more about email personalisation and what TwentyCi could help you achieve, call 01908 829 300 or email