Industry News

The shift from diesel to electric vehicles: How automotive dealers can stay ahead of the curve

electric vehicle

It was recently reported by the BBC that, in July, for the second month in a row, more electric vehicles were registered than diesel cars. This highlights the growing popularity of electric vehicles, likely in part due to the drive for zero emissions, and the Government’s plans to ban the sale of new petrol and diesel cars by 2030. The goal then is that by 2050, most cars on the road will be either electric, use hydrogen fuel cells, or some other non-fossil fuel technology. Battery electric vehicles now hold around a 9% share of the market for new registrations, whilst diesel is around 7.1%.

The practicalities of owning electric: where to charge?

But the practicalities around electric cars are not without their difficulties. Most importantly, before purchase, consumers need to consider where they’d be able to charge their new vehicles. Of course, the obvious answer would be if their property had access to a garage, or their own driveway. At the end of 2020, TwentyCi conducted some analysis around the areas in the UK that would be best for owning an electric vehicle based on the number of houses with access to garages or driveways. The results showed that locations across the East contained the highest number of properties with those characteristics, with Birmingham coming in top place.

Helping automotive dealers drive electric car sales

So, we know that electric cars are growing in popularity, and we know that one of the most important considerations for those purchasers will be access to a charging point. We also know that when someone moves house, they are significantly more likely to also consider an upgrade in their car than a non-homemover. With TwentyCi’s property and homemover data sets, automotive dealers can build highly targeted marketing campaigns to consumers that are most likely to be in the market to buy a new or used car, including whether they have access to garages, driveways or pre-existing electric-charge points on the property.

Would you like to find out more? Contact David Morton, our Business Development Manager, or call 01908 829300.