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TwentyCi: Data Leaders for Precision Home Mover Marketing

Top 3 steps to engage with homemovers

The news that eBay has woken up to the value of Home Movers with the launch of their Home Mover “Advanced Targeting” scheme should come as no surprise given their 19 million monthly users. However the fundamental flaw in the eBay offering is that the targeting is based on behavioural “observed insights” rather than actual data. Accuracy will be significantly impaired leading to substantial wastage in media spend. 

In comparison, TwentyCi provide the most accurate and comprehensive Lifestage Trigger data, all based on factual events rather than assumptions. With a genuinely unique combination of data assets providing coverage for over 99.7% of the UK for sale and rental market; whether prior, during or after a move, TwentyCi enable relevant brands to engage with the Home Mover with absolute precision, consistently achieving ROI’s in excess of £16:1.

Contact us today to find out more.