Homemovers spend £12 billion with retailers each year in the UK. From furniture and appliances, to...
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Representing a huge £12 billion to retailers every year, homemovers are the most valuable consumers...
Since the British residential energy markets were opened up to competition by deregulation in the...
The thirst for petabytes of information to create "big data" environments to establish insight &...
... by understanding the distinct stages of the homemover journey.
Homemovers represent a captive market for retailers; they are the largest prime consumer group for...
The DMA has recently released it's 2019 Annual Door Drop Industry Report, the 25th edition and the...
Fresh from the recent publication of our latest Property & Homemover Report: Q2 2019, the latest in...
Today we have published our Property & Homemover Report: Q2 2019, the latest in a regular series of...